Top 10 Best Seller Motivational & Business Books

Today is the age of the Internet. It has become common practice to search the Internet to know about any subject. Internet is an easy way to acquire knowledge and use of it has reduced the use of books. Nevertheless, the importance of the book remains. Even today school is taught through books. Knowledge can be acquired from the Internet only if you have an internet connection, a smartphone. If you have a book, then none of these things is needed.

You can also buy books from anywhere. If you do not have money, you can go to a nearby library and study. A book is a cheap and good way to acquire knowledge.

The book is written to enlighten the future. The book is a great way to capture memories of the past. We get good knowledge of every period from books.

01. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

An ideal guide to building your personality by altering your habitsIt is rightly said that habits make or break a man. If you want to know why you are not doing something right, sometimes all you need is to perform an analysis of your habits and consider altering them. Because sometimes it’s not about what you do, but more about how you do it! And that’s where your habits play a very important role.'The 7 habits of Highly Effective People' is a book that aims at providing its readers with the importance of character ethics and personality ethics. The author talks about the values of integrity, courage, a sense of justice and most importantly, honesty. The book is a discussion about the seven most essential habits that every individual must adopt to in order to live a life which is more fulfilling.Content of the book:The author continues to take the readers through the journey of character development. He elaborates how the development of the character of a being ranges from the time of his birth to the years until he grows independent. The first three habits demark the development one goes from dependence to independence. The next three habits describe in detail about interdependence while the final seventh habit deals with the new self, that is renewal.The book is highly recommended for people of all ages. It also holds a record of having over 25 million copies sold in about as many as 40 languages all over the world.

02.The Richest Man in Babylon

If you have a lean purse and are looking for financial wisdom, you’ve picked the perfect book!“A PART OF ALL YOU EARN IS YOURS TO KEEP.From the importance of savings to the essentials on how to become wealthy, this collection of famous Babylonian parables imparts timeless financial wisdom. It offers insights on how to become wealthy and how to attract good luck and discusses the five laws of gold.A perfect guide to understanding finances and a powerhouse of time-tested principles to gain and retain personal wealth, The Richest Man in Babylon has been inspiring readers for generations. It continues to remain a classic bestseller.

03.Business School

Robert Kiyosaki has always advocated people to be financially free. In this book he shows one way of how - by joining a part time network marketing business.

This book gives the true spirit of Network Marketing. It is a must read for newcomers in this industry. It will help the newcomers to get out of the wrong concept people has about this industry. It will also help them to maintain a posture while talking to people and manage rejections efficiently.

“The ability to sell is the number one skill in business. If you cannot sell, don’t bother thinking about becoming a business owner.”
Top 10 Best Seller Motivational Books

04. Elon Musk

The book captures the life and achievements of South African interpreter and innovator, Elon Musk, the brain behind series of successful enterprises such as PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX and Solarcity. The real-life inspiration of the Iron Man Series, Musk wants to be the saviour of the planet, send people into space and set up a colony on Mars.
Bullied in school and scolded tremendously by his father, Musk was actually a brilliant student and his life story is nothing less than a drama packed film. Ashlee Vance’s brilliant description of Musk's character, simple language and neat choice of words indeed makes this book a great read.
Considered by some as the innovation, entrepreneurial Steve Jobs of the present and future, Elon Musk became a billionaire early in life with his successful online ventures. One of the successful companies that he co-founded was the online payment gateway PayPal that was later acquired by e-Bay in 2002.
Getting sacked as the CEO, Musk did not cease to amaze friend and foes alike with his out of the box ideas, like investing in rockets! Needless to say, this deconstructed obsession with technology had his marital life go haywire.
The book 'Elon Musk: How the Billionaire CEO of SpaceX and TESLA is Shaping Our Future’ is a brilliant and intelligent account of this genius young 'iron man’ told in a gripping manner. Available in paperback from Penguin Random House publication, the book was published in 2015.
Top 10 Best Seller Motivational Books

05.The 80/20 Principle

With a simple observation that in his garden, 80 percent of the peas were borne by 20 percent of the pods, Vilfredo Pareto created a revolutionary principle. Known as the Pareto's principle or the rule of 80-20, the core of this principle lies in the fact, that 80 percent of the results which one receives in a field of activity is a result of 20 percent of the efforts.
In case of business, merely 20 percent of the customers help in generating 80 percent of the revenue. This principle is developed and presented in a systematic way by Richard Koch. He not only explains the intricacies of the principle but also goes a step ahead by explaining the reasons that make this principle work.
It is a secret used by highly successful people, which is made known to the common man through this book. RHUS published the reprint edition of The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less; Reprint edition in 1999. This book is available in paperback.
Key Features:
  • This book has been translated into over 34 languages and has received acclaim worldwide.
  • GQ listed this book in its list of top 25 business books.

06.Think & Grow Rich

One of the best inspirational books ever written, Think and Grow Rich is probably the most important financial book you can ever hope to read. Inspiring generations of readers since the time it was first published in 1937, Think and Grow Rich—Hill’s biggest best-seller—has been used by millions of business leaders around the world to create a concrete plan for success that, when followed, never fails. However, it will be incorrect to limit the book to be just about achieving financial richness. a motivational personal development and self-help book, its core strength lies in the fact that it not only expounds upon material wealth but that at the heart of it, it is a treatise on helping individuals succeed in all lines of work and to do or be almost anything they want in this world.

Think and Grow Rich has been listed in John C. Maxwell’s a Lifetime ‘Must Read’ Books List and also ranked as the sixth best-selling paperback business book years after it was first published by Business Week Magazine’s Best-Seller List

07.The Power Of Habit

Why do we do develop habits? And how can we change them?

We can always change. In The Power of Habit, award-winning New York Times business reporter Charles Duhigg translates cutting-edge behavioural science into practical self-improvement action, distilling advanced neuroscience into fascinating narratives of transformation.

Why can some people and companies change overnight, and some stay stuck in their old ruts? The answer lies deep in the human brain, and The Power of Habits reveals the secret pressure points that can change a life. From Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps to Martin Luther King Jr., from the CEO of Starbucks to the locker rooms of the NFL, Duhigg explores the incredible results of keystone habits, and how they can make all the difference between billions and millions, failure and success – or even life and death.

The Power of Habit makes an exhilarating case: the key to almost any door in life is instilling the right habit. From exercise to weight loss, childrearing to productivity, market disruption to social revolution, and above all success, the right habits can change everything.

Habits aren't destiny. They’re science, one which can transform our businesses, our communities, and our lives.

08.Ego Is The Enemy

As in the Obstacle is the way, Ryan holiday delivers practical and inspiring philosophy, this time exploring a powerful concept that runs back centuries, across borders and schools of thought: Ego. Ego is our biggest enemy. Early in our careers, it can prevent us from learning and developing our talents. When we taste success, ego can blind us to our own faults, alienate us from others and lead to our downfall. In failure, ego is devastating and makes recovery all the more difficult. It is only by identifying our ego, speaking to its desires and systematically disarming it that we can create our best work. Organised into bite-sized observations featuring characters and narratives that illustrate themes and life lessons designed to resonate, uplift and inspire, Ego is the Enemy shows how you can be humble in your aspirations, gracious in your success and resilient in your failures. It is an inspiring and timely reminder that humility and confidence are still our greatest friends when confronting the challenges of a culture which tends to fan the flames of ego and encourage the cult of personality at all costs.

09.Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe—the mind of man can achieve . . .”

By helping you recognize the important person that you are

and making you believe that you can change your world,

this book helps you discover and unleash the power of your mental attitude. It guides you through the secret of getting things done, motivating yourself, motivating others, finding satisfaction in your job, raising your energy level, enjoying a good and healthy life and attracting happiness.

A timeless self-improvement classic, Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude has helped millions of people discover their hidden powers and achieve success. It continues to lead its readers towards their maximum potential.
Top 10 Best Seller Motivational Books

10. Chanakya In Daily Life

Life is unpredictable and full of challenges. One wrong step and everything can come crashing down. In such a scenario, one often wishes for a roadmap of life, but how is that possible? Bestselling author Radhakrishnan Pillai's much-anticipated book, Chanakya in Daily Life, will help you navigate the rough seas of life and stay on course. Covering all aspects of life from the personal to the professional, it will tell you everything from how to begin your day to how to end it, how to choose the right job, stay financially secure, have a happy married life, raise your children the right way, achieve the perfect work-life balance and much more. Like always, Pillai decodes and simplifies the visionary king-maker Chanakya’s teachings from the Arthashastra and Chanakya Niti to provide solutions for any problem that might crop up in any aspect of your life. Thus, Chanakya in Daily Life is the perfect guru who expects only one thing from the shishya—a willingness to learn.
